We cannot ignore the studied and published health benefits of omega 3. Omega 3 fatty acids are one of the most studied nutrients in the world. A multitude of studies have been published over the years promoting the health benefits of omega 3. These studies have targeted both the consumption of fish and omega 3 fish oil supplements for these omega 3 health benefits.
According to the latest research published on June 1, 2022 in the Journal of the American Heart Association the ideal dosage of omega 3 fish oil for lowering blood pressure is between 2-3 grams of omega 3. The majority of studies were done using fish oil supplements and not fish consumption proving the positive benefits of omega 3 fish oil supplements. This most recent research study was a meta analysis of 71 omega 3 studies from around the globe looking at the correlation between omega 3 fish oil consumption and blood pressure.
The Fortifeye Vitamin team has been following all of the latest omega 3 studies over the last 20 years and released their most potent rTG omega 3 fish oil called Fortifeye Super Omega 3 Max in 2019 as a result of these ongoing studies. Fortifeye Super Omega 3 Max is right in the middle at 2.4 grams per dosing (2 per day). Fortifeye Super Omega Max is a re esterified triglyceride form (rTG) that absorbs much better than the ethyl ester omega 3 fish oil that is in most studies. The benefits of rTG omega 3 over ethyl ester omega 3 if much faster and better absorption , higher concentration so you can take less capsules and no nasty burp back.
Here is the link to the latest omega 3 research : https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/JAHA.121.025071